Strategic Planning Support

FutureMakers works with leaders, educators and Boards of Trustees on their strategic planning to move their future-focused aspirations from vision to reality.

We help facilitate the evolution a vision, mission and values that underpin the work of the organisation and reflect the aspirations of the community that supports it.

We work with you to identify strategic priorities that can become the goals with actions in a 3-5 year plan, and continue to work with you to support you through the implementation and evaluation of that planning.

Specific areas in which we can support your strategic planning include:

  • Developing a vision, mission and values
  • Creating a learning culture
  • Creating a graduate profile
  • Designing a school curriculum
  • New school builds and learning space design

How we can help

Our Strategic Planning programmes

Developing a vision, mission and values

Creating a learning culture

Creating a graduate profile

Designing a school curriculum

New school builds and learning space design